I recently delivered a talk on the topic of Divine Order and I thought some of you might be interested because, after all, who doesn’t want a little more order and flow in our lives?
Here’s a link to the video of the talk, which is about twenty-five minutes long. And below are some of the main points.
There is an Order underpinning all of Creation. It is a natural intelligence, a coded design that allows life to organize, grow, and create more life. All non-human life forms demonstrate a built-in intelligence that enables them to adjust to their environment, grow through various and fabulous phases, and fill their role in the ecosystem.
Modern humans have largely disconnected from the rhythms of Nature and stepped outside of Natural Laws but that doesn’t mean they aren’t still in our coding. We also have access to Divine Order, the flow and life-architecture that can come when we develop our consciousness of Oneness and increase our awareness of ourselves as spiritual beings rather than just bodies.
Although I believe in Divine Order, I ‘m not about to BS anybody. Hard stuff happens in these human parts of our journey. It can be hard to believe in Divine Order when a child dies, a partner has an affair, we get a terrible medical diagnosis, or any of the myriad of tough things that we experience.
It can be hard to believe in Divine Order when we see a loved one struggle and struggle, never seeming to be able to get above the problems. We see what’s going on in the world – the damage being done to Nature, the insanity and horror of war, mass shootings and other atrocities – and wonder, where is the Order, the Divinity, in any of this?
Some people just come into this world in much more difficult circumstances with greater challenges than others. I don’t know the full reason for that. Perhaps it’s a soul pattern or a set of lessons/teachings they signed on for. But I do know it is possible for everyone to rise above circumstances.
Divine Order is the power to bring forth a life that is livable and orderly despite the circumstances. It’s about cultivating our consciousness so that we can bring orderly manifestation out of primordial chaotic soup.
Divine Order, is always in back of, and greater than, the chaotic events before us. In the Field of Possibility there is always more opportunity for Good to flow than we can see when we’re in human-only awareness and caught in the chaos. Quantum science now backs up what mystics and shamans have been bearing witness to for millennia. There is a whole other universe that lies beyond appearances and layers of reality beyond what our five senses reveal.
Here are a few ideas for practical ways to create conditions for Order to flow more freely into our lives.
This planet we live on is our number one demonstration of Divine Order. Creation begets more Creation. Species adapt and evolve. We’re in fire season here in Western North America and many other regions in the world. The fires and terrible air quality feel awful, feel like chaos. And yet, the forests developed with fire as a natural part of the system. Fire clears out overgrown dead wood, creates openings for meadows to form, washes tree trunks into streams and rivers and as the trunks get stuck they create pools and hiding places for young fish to thrive. The cones of some coniferous trees don’t even open to drop their seeds until they’ve been burned a bit.
Of course, due to climate change, we’re experiencing more and more intense fires, but some of that is because humans have suppressed the natural fire pattern across large regions for decades. Nature is now flexing her muscles and clearing things out, establishing a new order for a hotter world.
Almost all species other than humans, live in the present. For any non-human animal not in an abusive situation, fear only comes in when immediate action is required. They don’t sit around fearing what may or may not happen. They don’t use their imaginations to torture themselves as we humans so often do. Really deeply observing and appreciating Nature is one way I’ve found to allow more Divine Order to flow into my own life.
Another useful tool when feeling dis-ordered, is intentional, selective memory, looking back on times in life that felt like pure chaos, when we couldn’t see a positive way through it and yet, somehow, we got through it. My parents’ addiction and mental illness really escalated in my teens and I wound up on my own at 16, living with various friends, trying to make it through High School, and make a bit of money here and there to support myself. It was a time of fear and terrible uncertainty. I didn’t feel safe and I couldn’t see any clear pathway out. But there was a path. I made it just fine. Looking back, it was by far the best thing that my dad and I didn’t live under the same roof anymore.
I’m sure many of you reading this have experienced a time/s when it feels like things are falling apart, only to find they were actually falling into place. It can be hard to stay open to that when we’re in the middle of the mess, stress and chaos, but holding a mustard seed of faith in the possibility of Divine Order is a powerful act. When we change our minds we change our lives. Even if circumstances don’t immediately improve, how we experience them does.
There’s another aspect of Divine Order that I have struggled with but am now getting a better handle on, and that’s how to help others manifest more order even if chaos has become their comfort zone.
It is incredibly difficult to witness someone you care about in pain, struggling, in despair. It is also very difficult to come to the realization that there is really very little you can do for them in the material plane. Giving more money, more time, getting embroiled in their story and their chaos won't help.
One of my dear loved ones, a young man now, has had a very difficult life. I’ve supported him in more ways than I can list. He’s had some big successes and also some old patterns he hasn’t yet been able to let go of and over the past couple of years has created circumstances that make it very hard to help him. About a year and a half ago, for reasons I only partly understand, he decided to pull away from me and I knew I needed to let him make his own way or his own messes.
During the time he was “ghosting” me, I learned that a form of grace is intentionally holding space, spending time using imagination, to visualize another person above, more-than the circumstances they may be facing or even their own actions. I’ve been doing that for him, consistently.
Every so often I’d send a text letting him know I loved him and as hard as things were he still had a shot at a good life. Several months ago, he reached back out. He was in a low place. I told him that every single day I’d been holding him in prayer and positive light, envisioning him in peace and happy. He said, “I knew you were. I could feel it. It’s helped me keep going.”
At the level of that universe that is beyond appearances and our five senses, we are all connected. Imagineering Divine Order flowing to a fellow being is a profound act of grace and love. Whether or not that person opens to it.
Finally, there is no way I could address the topic of Divine Order without facing up to this bat-shit crazy world we’re all dealing with right now. Why is it that humankind, allegedly the highest form of life, seems to have so much difficulty establishing harmony, right relationships, and orderly progress, while the non-human animals, plants, and birds go right along living as they are intended to live?
Humans create systems and civilizations in an attempt to create order. However, modern humans reached a point where our technological ingenuity outpaced our wisdom. We have loosed mad genies of nuclear weapons, climate change, industrial and plastic pollution, and now Artificial Intelligence – all of which are creating more chaos.
We’ve allowed that to happen because we’ve been caught in a “dream-state”, an illusion of separation – from Creator, one another, and all the rest of nature. And so, coming from that consciousness of separation, we’ve created systems and civilizations that are out of alignment with natural and spiritual laws -- they are actually miscreations. Those miscreations can no longer be ignored because Nature won’t allow it.
Chaord, is a term used to describe pockets of order rising out of chaos. That is happening all over this planet just now as millions of people take action to redesign civilization. More and more people are questioning, challenging status quo systems and societal norms that may be normal but don’t make any sense.
The word order comes from the Latin ordiri, which means "to begin to weave”. I believe those of us alive right now, and on a path of intentionally raising consciousness are here to access and channel Divine Order and weave lives that are webs of delight. We’re here to weave Oneness consciousness and to help mend the fabric of Creation. We are here to help spin out a whole new Order of Humanity.
Peace out!
I can only say “ ditto” to all of Ron’s comments about this latest article.
It is difficult to see where divine order is in all the horrendous things that you talk about.
I realize now that it is my job to keep my consciousness above, being mired in the fear, anger, and hate that is so pervasive in our world. I pledge to do my best to remember that all is in divine order, even when I can’t see it. To affirm that human consciousness can connect deeply with divine consciousness and help bring in the restoration that is needed.
Thank you for your wisdom and insight that lifts up my consciousness 🙏
There was a time when I wouldn’t have thought it possible for your messaging to be any more profound and topical, yet as time passes, I am continually awed by the progression in the depth, wisdom and veracity of your writings and the unmistakable echoes of The Divine that gently but firmly resonate from your words. When reading your beautifully expressed inescapable truths, it’s impossible for even a hardened cynic like myself to maintain the armor of cynicism. When reading your thoughts, cracks develop in the armor. The sunlight of The Spirit sneaks in. Cynicism is replaced with growth.
Isn’t Divine Intervention wonderful?
Thank you for sharing your beautiful and uplifting spirit and work.