TRANSCEND is a publication for people who want raised consciousness, economic system change, and a world that works better for all beings. This is a place that examines what is going on our inner world (our consciousness) and in the outer world, (this magnificent planet we call home). TRANSCEND covers the need to shift away from the insanity of a limitless-growth, consumerism-crazed economic system as well as examples of where that shift is already underway. It’s also a place to explore what it means to be both human and a spiritual being. I pull a lot on A Course in Miracles teachings and New Thought concepts in general.
How to know if TRANSCEND is for you?
You recognize we need deep systems change and society redesign. You sense that what’s needed in this time is a shift in consciousness, an evolution in modern humanity’s understanding of our place in, and relationship to, ourselves and the rest of Nature. Nobody has this figured out yet but a whole bunch of us are engaged in trying to figure it out.
You identify as a spiritual being having a human experience. You’re not into dogma, or organized religion, but you are into spiritual exploration, questioning and growth. Non-duality appeals to you.
You don’t need a headline every three sentences because you still read WORDS and want deeper content and connection. Social media one-liners and sensationalism don’t give you the deeper information you seek and you’re looking for a more nuanced perspective.
You appreciate differing viewpoints and new ways of looking at things, AND you are respectful in discussing such differences. At TRANCEND differing viewpoints are always welcome and necessary, but trolls, haters, meanness, or rudeness is not allowed.
If this sounds like you welcome to the community!
I launched TRANSCEND because we are living in precious and precarious times and I believe we have an opportunity and an essential sacred responsibility to address the insanity of what humanity is doing to the rest of nature (and ourselves). To do so, we need an evolutionary step in human consciousness, a re-cognition of the absolute connectedness of creation.
As old norms crack, those of us alive right now have a genuine, powerful opportunity to create a world that works better for all beings.
I genuinely look forward to exploring these deep topics with you.
What do you get?
I really appreciate all my subscribers and do my very best to deliver quality content and provide practical, actionable tools and info. One of my main goals is to arm people to better question and step out of old paradigms that are no longer serving us. When you become a subscriber, free or paid, you get my best efforts including posts, access to archives, and announcements of events and other offerings.
Paid subscribers get added benefits including interactive webinars, chat community engagement, and discounts on classes and online courses. You also get the good feeling of knowing you are making it possible for me to do this work and get this information, ideas and possibilities out to a growing number of people. You can become a paid subscriber for just $6 a month or $65 a year.
This is indeed a challenging, tumultuous time, but also a time of profound possibility. It will not be easy to reinvent the world, but with love and firm intention we can do it. This is the time to transcend.
About Me
I found my calling early in life and have been working to help humanity develop a healthier relationship with the rest of Nature ever since. I’m an activist, business owner, speaker and teacher, and an ordained minister through Unity Worldwide Ministries.
I serve as associate minister at Unity Spiritual Community Central Oregon and also through my organization, The ReThink Ministry. I’m also founder and owner of Cylvia Hayes Enterprises and 3EStrategies. I’m the former First Lady of Oregon. My first book is titled, When Life Blows Up: A Guide to Peace, Power and Reinvention.
I live in Bend Oregon and sometimes Portland where my life partner lives. I share my lovely house with feisty Border Collie Olive, who is a fabulous agility dog. The place I steward is also home to wonderful old pine and juniper trees, countless birds, some busy squirrels, and the bees from my hive, and a recent addition Flash, a golden mantled ground squirrel. In reverence and hope for these extraordinary times.
What Readers are Saying:
Wow! Great piece Cylvia! Thanks for taking the time to write it, I'm subscribing NOW! I felt an instant calm come over me not halfway through reading your piece! Even heard a bird singing outside my office window, just because I was listening! Well worth my time and the subscription rate! Thank you! — Bob Rees
A powerful statement of truth. Thank you for sharing. — Caroline Boatsman
You suck. This is terrible writing! — Actually, I just made this up to prove environmentalists do have a sense of humor. :).
I have enjoyed tremendously being a subscriber. It’s unique how tangible the information you bring to your writing underpins & buttresses your worldview & message we subscribers are anxious to hear. … This morning, I reread each of your episodes back to “Power in Defenselessness” and am filled with admiration with the topics you choose, the artful way you construct your messages and the way you end on signature high notes. — Tom Throop
The girls also say hello and thank you! Sweet Freya (AKA LottaDog) passed in 2023 and she is missed by all the rest of our pack.