
“The first is the concept that the insane world humanity has created is not actually the real world. The Creative force, life itself, is always moving in the direction of extending more life………………………………………………………………..in the field of possibility there are myriad ways for a healthier world to come into being.”

In other words, it’s going to take a miracle.

Or, as you alluded to repeatedly, an entire course of them. Especially when it comes “to taking charge of our thinking. When we find ourselves thinking about things that cause us angst or anger, simply saying “choose again” and shifting to a different thought can be life changing. Sometimes I have to choose again 300 times, but eventually my line of thought fully shifts.”

You said it perfectly “shifting to a different thought can be life changing.”

I submit that it can be cosmos changing.

Well done Cylvia.

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Thanks my friend! I know you know.

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Well said Cylvia!

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