Once upon a time, about 300 years ago, there was a wealthy British aristocrat who planned to be a politician, but then he got sick, then got married, then began working on his father’s farm. He grew impatient with the inefficiency of the traditional farming practices and somewhere along the way invented a seed-planting drilling device that made it possible to get seeds in the soil much faster and in tidy, straight lines. Jethro Tull’s seed drill is one of the major breakthroughs credited for the Agricultural Revolution. The resulting massive advancement in food production is one of the developments credited with enabling Great Britain to birth the Industrial Revolution.
Very well said Cynthia . Given that biodiversity day is approaching I think that your post is very relevant and with your consent I would like to quote a statement from your earth day speech in Oregon to the wider audiences in EU .
Very well said Cynthia . Given that biodiversity day is approaching I think that your post is very relevant and with your consent I would like to quote a statement from your earth day speech in Oregon to the wider audiences in EU .
Best wishes
Africa GZanella
Of Course!