My sincere thanks Cylvia for putting the sermon in front of me. I had read and heard about it. Nothing like listening to it. I will share it. Right Rev. Budde has my deepest respect and admiration. But I know she would say she is bringing the voice of God to us, so I’ll advance the respect and admiration along as well.
My gratitude also for compiling Trump’s opening salvos. Bullies use the strategy of throwing more than one can mentally process prior to throwing more. They know people will be confused and forget what was done or canceled. Therefore, we will need a list in order to remember which aspects of our government have been altered or deleted. I planned to make such a list but I know I will fall short. I’m wondering, dear Cylvia, if you intend to continue the list or can refer me to one that people are compiling. I don’t care how long it is, and it will be phenomenally, I will need such a reference. I would appreciate your guidance.
And yes, spiritual leaders should weigh in on political matters. Thank you for doing so! 💕
Hi Carolyn. This is helpful input. There are people/orgs keeping far more detailed lists than I am and I will pass those resources along. We are in such an environment of gaslighting that we have to keep the real info. visible.
I read a great article about the big trade off that evangelist made in supporting Trump …. I just have to find it again!
I think there is going to be a big wave of backlash; I am hoping that people that believe in democracy will be more vocal and organize movements to flip the house in the midterms.
I appreciate your wisdom and the courage you always have to speak out and speak the truth
Thanks Marcia. I too believe there is going to be big disillusionment. Hopefully that will provide impetus for people to come together across artificially-constructed divides.
I so hear you. We all need to find our niche in building the new ecosystem. Strategies will be different in different states and regions. One important thing people in "red" states can do is to speak truth, share facts with those in their community who have any opening to listen. I'll be doing a post about this in the next week or two. Hang in there. Better days can be ahead. Truly.
Thank you. I am in company here as I have a (rather large actually) circle of like-minded friends who support and encourage one another. Our congressional rep is no help as he's totally red. But our mayor is a female Democrat, so as you say, we are not totally lost. Do you think there's anything to the rumor of libraries and the post office being done away with? I read, and also correspond using "real" letters -- so it'd be a personal loss.
Hi Margaret. I have not heard that particular rumor but my instinct is it is just saber rattling and fear mongering. The new regime is already overstepping and the more they do the more they tee-up the revolt.
My sincere thanks Cylvia for putting the sermon in front of me. I had read and heard about it. Nothing like listening to it. I will share it. Right Rev. Budde has my deepest respect and admiration. But I know she would say she is bringing the voice of God to us, so I’ll advance the respect and admiration along as well.
My gratitude also for compiling Trump’s opening salvos. Bullies use the strategy of throwing more than one can mentally process prior to throwing more. They know people will be confused and forget what was done or canceled. Therefore, we will need a list in order to remember which aspects of our government have been altered or deleted. I planned to make such a list but I know I will fall short. I’m wondering, dear Cylvia, if you intend to continue the list or can refer me to one that people are compiling. I don’t care how long it is, and it will be phenomenally, I will need such a reference. I would appreciate your guidance.
And yes, spiritual leaders should weigh in on political matters. Thank you for doing so! 💕
Hi Carolyn. This is helpful input. There are people/orgs keeping far more detailed lists than I am and I will pass those resources along. We are in such an environment of gaslighting that we have to keep the real info. visible.
As always an Excellent piece, Cylvia.
I read a great article about the big trade off that evangelist made in supporting Trump …. I just have to find it again!
I think there is going to be a big wave of backlash; I am hoping that people that believe in democracy will be more vocal and organize movements to flip the house in the midterms.
I appreciate your wisdom and the courage you always have to speak out and speak the truth
Thanks, Marcia Mitchell
Thanks Marcia. I too believe there is going to be big disillusionment. Hopefully that will provide impetus for people to come together across artificially-constructed divides.
I'm not sure about my state countering the new regime -- since it's a red state. I don't want to move as I own my house. I love my house.
I so hear you. We all need to find our niche in building the new ecosystem. Strategies will be different in different states and regions. One important thing people in "red" states can do is to speak truth, share facts with those in their community who have any opening to listen. I'll be doing a post about this in the next week or two. Hang in there. Better days can be ahead. Truly.
Thank you. I am in company here as I have a (rather large actually) circle of like-minded friends who support and encourage one another. Our congressional rep is no help as he's totally red. But our mayor is a female Democrat, so as you say, we are not totally lost. Do you think there's anything to the rumor of libraries and the post office being done away with? I read, and also correspond using "real" letters -- so it'd be a personal loss.
Hi Margaret. I have not heard that particular rumor but my instinct is it is just saber rattling and fear mongering. The new regime is already overstepping and the more they do the more they tee-up the revolt.
Thanks, and I agree. He and his henchmen are going hog-wild.