Tree hugers unite!

I ask the tree for permission before i do any construction. Also thank it for the shade and protection of our home.

I have a tiny micro ranch of goats i plan to put into action IKR Iles kid ranch. We can learn much by observation of nature. Observation of a German shepherd dog i lovingly called fat boy taught me of the importance of sulfur in our food chain. Just watching the seasons alone we learn the three R's of nature recycling reusing and repurposing.

Searching for a dewormer safe for lactating animals in milk production led to diatomaceous earth and it's amazing properties that Pass Thru blood brain barrier to rid our brains of aluminum toxicity. After a regimen of that I really started learning!

I've concluded that B.A. F. represent not only the first three letters of baffles but represent the very three elements responsible for doing just that by intelligentdesign. After all the foremost agenda of any kingdom or government is to control the masses. The first one B bpa (bizphenol a) secondly A for aluminum and finally F for flouride. This unholy trinity of elements are wrecking humanity and very well could be the cause of mass extinction of animals. Rumor has it that fish around the huge plastic garbage dump in the ocean are changing their sexuality from the BpA leaching from plastic into the water . Aluminium i believe is causing what i call the " here and after stage of life " . That's when one gets up from the couch takes ten steps to another room stops and says "what am i here after" i believe its also responsible for Parkinson, Alzheimer , dwindling retention, comprehension and understanding .

Finally i found that floride calcification of our penial gland is causing a great sleep of our spirit-fullness.

Question everything, research mandatory!!

By all means don't take my word for it and please dont follow me. Do as our teacher instructed knock and seek. Verify by 2 or 3 witnesses. Hunger for wisdom and thirst after righteousess. Do as you want...(in return).

Peace, productivity and power to all thru love



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Thanks for your comment. I too have a real relationship with the trees that I get to share home with. I too express gratitude to them for shade and beauty, for standing strong in big wind, and for providing habitat to the many critters that use them for nesting and transportation. The big pine in the front has turned my driveway into a moguls patch but I had an arborist come to tell me what I could do about the roots without damaging the big tree. That is priority before the driveway repair this coming spring. I agree that the various pollutants -- chemical, plastic, other -- are tragic.

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