Yesterday, my nearly ever-present low-grade political angst spiked to a level I haven’t felt in quite some time. First, it appears the Supreme Court is going to rule that Trump is eligible to run for President despite his involvement in the January 6 riot and insurrection. Next, the special counsel investigating Biden’s handling of classified documents ruled that Biden had willingly taken classified documents but shouldn’t be charged, in part, because a jury would find him a sympathetic well-meaning elderly person with a poor memory. From a politics and optics perspective the Biden camp had to respond so they called a last-minute press conference. It was disastrous. Biden’s memory faltered a few times. His demeanor and performance did not inspire confidence.
So, as things stand right now, we are headed into a Presidential election with, on one hand, the ranting, chaos-strewing Trump, and on the other, a sometimes bumbling Biden. Now to be fair, Trump is only three years younger than Biden and he too has regular memory lapses, confuses the names of world leaders, etc. Another truth is that independent counsel found that Biden should not be charged with any crime, while Trump is currently facing 91 felony charges. That’s a stark contrast.
I’m not one who automatically dislikes Trump due to his disrespectful behavior and boorish personality. I find that ugly and unpleasant but not scary so much as sad. What I do find frightening is the policy and cultural values set that has coalesced around Trump as the MAGA movement and the fact that Trump has proven a continuous liar yet a lot of people believe what he says.
As for Biden, I was lukewarm on him last time as the democratic candidate because he is vested in the status quo political and Capitalist systems and unlikely to address the deep system changes necessary to solve gnarly problems from climate change to entrenched poverty. That said, Biden has gotten some major things done including navigating COVID with health and financial support for citizens, the Inflation Reduction Act, some of the strongest climate-change related policies so far in the U.S., and executive orders to protect women’s reproductive rights. It’s a significant record and we are certainly a hell of a lot better off than had Trump and his handlers remained in office.
However, despite the accomplishments in his first term, I share the concerns of many others, across the political spectrum, that Biden may not have the reliable memory, cognitive quickness or mental and physical energy to fully meet the challenges before us in these fraught and pivotal times.
The deeper piece I find most concerning is whether America, under our current political system, has the ability to effectively function and genuinely deploy democracy. Our two-party system is now a failed system. The Republicans have allowed their party to be completed highjacked by the cult of Trump. The Democratic National Committee continues to rig elections against its own democratic members. They did this in 2016 when they selected Hillary Clinton and cut Bernie Sanders out of the election. That action put Trump in the presidency. To this day, I believe Sanders would have defeated Trump, an assessment not based on my own likes or dislikes but rather, on what was going on in the country at the time.
In 2023/4 the DNC is doing the same thing. Very early on they got behind Biden and refused to allow other democratic candidates to be heard on any of the major stages. The DNC refused to schedule debates wanting no challenge to Biden and corporate media aligned refusing coverage of challengers on major media outlets. Here is a powerful piece by Marianne Williamson about what she learned as a democratic presidential candidate trying to break through the corporatocracy.
Polls suggest if the election were held tomorrow Biden would lose to Trump. Young people are especially unsupportive of him and you need young peoples’ vote to win an election. I am deeply concerned that the DNC is repeating history in a disastrous fashion.
Biden himself has said that there are many strong, capable younger leaders in the democratic party. Here’s a radical idea, perhaps he should step aside and let another candidate step forward. I realize this is unprecedented but we’re in an unprecedented multi-predicament. Such a move this late in the election cycle is frightening to consider but sometimes the most terrifying and genuinely dangerous action is to keep doing what you’re doing and heading where you’re heading.
I know this commentary is likely to rankle many of my fellow progressives, including some friends, but I make it out of genuine concern. There is no way I would vote for Trump and his policies, values, or undemocratic behavior, but I’m concerned that my vote for the other guy isn’t going to matter. If somebody doesn’t shout “Iceberg ahead!” soon enough there’s not enough time to turn the ship.
A Much Brighter Subject!
Upcoming Spiritual Education and Enrichment Classes.
Info on my Spring online classes offerings is provided below. I always love having TRANSCEND readers join in these fun and thought-provoking classes.
Foundations of Unity – Online 5 Day intensive class: Feb. 26 -- March 1, 1-2:30pm Pacific time.
This is a fun class that delves into many New Thought life transforming concepts and practices. It pulls mostly on the teachings of H. Emilie Cady's, Lessons in Truth, and Eric Butterworth's, Discover the Power Within You. You’ll need to have those two books to participate.
More info and registration link can be found here.
Metaphysics 4 Spiritual Education and Enrichment Class. Six-week class Mondays, 4pm - 5:30pm Pacific beginning March 25th. Online via Zoom. More info and registration link can be found here.
12 Spiritual Powers Empowerment Class. Six-week online class Tuesdays, 11am --12:30pm Pacific beginning March 26th. Online via Zoom.
This class delves into how faculties such as Imagination, Faith, Strength, Release can be developed as spiritual powers. In a very cool twist this will be the first time the new 12 Powers for the Planet materials will be used. This was a year-long effort to create fresh, eco-centric materials around the 12 spiritual powers teachings.
More info and registration info can be found here.
And just some PURE FUN — Life with Livvy
Day one of our recent agility trial at the Rose City Trial was delayed several hours due to the ice storm. Olive and I were already at the expo center, so we decided, just for fun, to head over to the Tricks Dog evaluation ring. Livvy shined and earned her novice, intermediate, and advanced Tricks Dog titles just like that! She even did a couple tricks I’d never asked her to do before like sitting down in a tub and “pick pocket” in which the dog takes a toy out of your pocket. Olive figured those out right in the midst of the evaluation. Such an awesome tiny dancer and smartie-pie! Here’s a vid of excerpts of our session.
I surely get the angst Cylvia. The news is pretty painful most days now, and I know nothing of the worst pain of it. Re: Biden, I think he is doing a good job as president. Unfortunately, he has had a lifelong speech impediment and it is more apparent under pressure and with age. He also forgets things under pressure. I think his ability to make decisions though is still sound, and I agree with most of them or at least see that he has no way out on some of them. He has excellent people working with him. He is a good man. Re: the election, it will come down to two choices. I will support Biden. I figure he’ll continue to do a good job. If his health fails, our system of succession and support in the executive branch will address it until the next election. Things are not ideal, but good enough. Thanks for voicing the angst! Go Livvy!
Article in its entirety: