
Paid episode

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You Are Not Alone or Powerless

Staying Engaged AND Mentally Healthy

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I’ve spent the past two weeks using all the spiritual and psychological tools in my toolbox to stay centered and sort out how to move forward in a healthy and empowered way during these uncertain and ominous-feeling times. It has taken real discipline to stay above fear and keep my thinking focused in a positive direction.

This has been a top priority for two reasons. One is pure self-interest. I want to enjoy this current precious life and that means taking control of my own consciousness, not allowing ugly personalities or developments to overly occupy my thoughts, and having a generally positive outlook. Second, a driving motivation my entire adult life has been to be of service making our world a better place. As a lifelong environmental and anti-poverty activist I know that psychological health is key to positive social change.

In this piece I’ll share some things that have been helping me and some ideas for being effectively engaged in the movement for a healthier nation and a world that works better for all beings.

I realize all of you have your own tools, and am certainly not suggesting I have a formula, but simply sharing some of the steps that are helping me maintain health and balance in case they might be useful to you:

1)    Getting out into nature. The first helpful turning point in my psyche was taking a long hike/run with my best buddy dog, Olive, along Wychus creek in Sisters, Oregon. The little river running toward the ocean and the giant trees that had thrived for centuries through all sorts of human eras gave me comfort. Olive’s high energy antics triggered smile muscles that had been a bit paralyzed. The cardio exercise produced cleansing sweat, an endorphin flow, and physical grounding.

2)    Meditation. I’ve had a meditation practice for decades now. Nothing fancy or technical, just quieting my mind, coming fully into the present moment and finding what I call The Silence for a few moments. At my hardest and lowest points meditation has been a life-saver, helping me regain my mind when it wants to go spinning off down some dark path.

3)    Journaling. I’ve spent time just jotting down the feelings I’m experiencing. This is cathartic, helps me gain clarity into the discomfort and more control over my own experience. Lengthier journaling explores what feels like mine to do just now.

4)    Connecting with like-minded friends either in-person or online. I’m a big one for getting out of our silos but for me, right now, I’m being intentional about spending time with people who share my values and are feeling the weight of current events.

A key strategy of autocratic regimes is to divide and isolate. It is important to remember you are not alone. Along those lines here’s a bit of perspective a friend of mine shared with me (thank you Joanne P). While Trump won the popular vote by 51%, in reality only about 30% of registered voters actually voted for him. Sixty-four percent of the over 245 million eligible voters voted in the election, which means that 36% (app. 87 million people) did not vote at all. Of total eligible voters app. 30% voted for Trump, 28% for Harris, 6% voted but not for either presidential candidate, and 36% didn't vote at all. Even though they’ve got the megaphone, the MAGA folks are far from a majority.

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